
ViolaVirus (aka Stichting Art & Technology) is een Culturele Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). ViolaVirus is een afsplitsing van PLANETART, en is ontstaan in 2008. Bekend van projecten GOGBOT, Twente Biennale en TEC ART.

ViolaVirus kent verschillende medewerkers, zzp-ers en talloze vrijwillgers, uit de kunst, cultuur, it, internationale hackerscene, muziek, wetenschap, onderwijs, bedrijfsleven. Samenstelling wisselt per project. Directie en oprichter: Viola van Alphen.

Viola van Alphen

Viola van Alphen, V.E. van Alphen - MBA, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration at VU University, Project Architecture and Design, Bachelor level

Director Stichting Art & Technology; 2015-present
Organiser and Curator Manifestations - Will the Future Design Us? (winner title: Best of Dutch Design Week 2016, which had 290.000 visitors); 2016-present
Managing Director and co-curator for the multimedia organization PLANETART (winner best-of Kunstvlaai 2011), yearly festival GOGBOT Arts, Media & Technology Enschede, 20.000 visitors (winner National Innovation Award).
Leader of several Second Life projects.
Managing Director and co-curator, Twente Biënnale, International Art Festival - brings controversial art about European society today, provokes debate.
Managing Director, co-founder, co-curator, TEC ART, Rotterdam Art Week: Art&Technology
Curator, IETM-Amsterdam event (European Theatre Meeting) "Digital Revolution", expo & sessions: The Way They Do It, The Parallel World: The Internet Of Things & Augmented Reality, Creative Storytelling: Transmedia & Transdisciplinary Storytelling, Wearables; 2016
Curator, Counting Digital Sheep, Tetem, Maker Faire Twente, Avans Hogeschool Den Bosch, Grote Sleepwetfestival, more; 2018.
Curator, Human & Technology, Ruhr Triënnale; 2016
Curator, Virtual Worlds Mash Up
Creating and Teaching Program on the History of Tech Art for University of Twente; 2018
Serves as Chairman / Board Member of four non-profit organizations pursuing cultural and educational missions.

Delivered over 50 invited presentations at universities, museums, and businesses around the world within the last 10 years: examples:
National Art Center Tokyo, WorldExpo Shanghai, TechFest Indian Institute of Technolgy India, Transmediale Berlin, ToShare Italy, Cellsbutton#02 Yogyakarta Indonesia, Conflux New York, Museum of Modern Art New York, ISEA Singapore, OHM, CCC, Institute of Crypto Anarchy Prague, International Filmfestival Moscow,
paneldiscussions, jury member, written over 50 publications in magazines, etc.
• Guest Teacher, Creative Technology, University of Twente, Twente; 2009 – 2014
• Guest Teacher, Computer Sciences, VU University Amsterdam; 2010
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam; 2007
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Amsterdam Fashion Institute; 2007
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam; 2007
• Guest Teacher / Lecturer, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam; 2007
• Event Project Leader, Mediamatic, Amsterdam; an art gallery, design institute, project space, and aqua-ponics farm. Created weekly events about online self- representation with lectures by university professors & artists.
• Over 150 articles written about me and my work in the last 9 years
• Co-developed the Atompunk theme with best-selling sci-fi author Bruce Sterling; 2008
• Mentioned in several books, i.e. as trendwatcher and innovator
She appeared in: Het Bestand – Arnon Grunberg 2015, song: The Dutch top 10 hitlist song Sarah- ” Ik laat me gaan”, was inspired on her (being the first person in the Netherlands to receive her .nl domainname). In WIRED – Bruce Sterling, SecondSight – Trendwatchers 2011, PROUD, No Future Nu (Leonor Jonker on history of Dutch punk/cyberpunk), etc etc.